Sunday, January 4, 2009

A sense of perspective

Tonight as I've been putting away the Christmas stuff, remembering how much Trevor loved it when I put it up just over a month ago, I've been overwhelmed with grief. I want my boy back. But then I make myself look at the songs done about the end which are on his site and on my computer. I see the pictures like this one here and realize that if Trevor had survived this is what life would have been like for him. Life wouldn't have been what it was just a few months ago when we went to Disney World or even a few weeks earlier. His body had done all it could within the limits of the dreadful disease that he had. For a lot of the men with DMD a ventilator and a tracheostomy is a great solution and keeps them going many years. But, Trevor wasn't like them. He was still an infant or toddler cognitively and hated to have stuff around his mouth. He couldn't have tolerated even one minute longer of the tube in his throat. I know that's why he was crying shortly after we got to Canuck Place. He wanted the tube out. I wish things had been different. But they're not. A friend who is a nurse just called, just at the right time. And, we went over the symptoms he'd been showing the weeks before this all happened. His body was already starting to shut down. His heart was likely getting weaker but until he actually got sick and his breathing got so difficult it wasn't having to work that hard. The illness-or just the progression of his condition is what pushed his heart to the limit.

If I have to go into his room to get something I try not to look at much but I do keep noticing his afos (foot splints) lying on the floor. At first they made me sad but then I realized that he doesn't need them any more. And, I remember how much he hated them. He'd always wiggle his feet when I took them off. He isn't limited to trying to get people to understand what he wanted them to do with his body that wouldn't move the way it used to. He's free. He's not here which is painful for me, but he's free.


  1. Barb,
    It is good that Trevor had you to look after him. You did put his needs before yours and did the honorable thing by letting him rest in the Lords arms.((Hugs))

  2. Barb,
    You will go back and forth with this I am sure. Having been in your place I know that you made the exact decision that was right at the time.
    Do I regret calling a stop to the efforts made to bring Amber back ? At times I do, I miss her terribly. If there had been a chance that she would have been able to live life as she loved it I probably would have been wrong to call it. But from all the information I was given and from what the doctors saw in their exams Amber would have had a horrible life unlike what her life was before this final assault on her body. It was also doubtful we would be able to bring her back fully. You did what was right. You did not take his life you enabled him to go where he was meant to go and with dignity. You were able to give him a party to see him off. You allowed him to click his tongue the way he liked.
    You will probably keep going back and forth, I did and sometimes still do though not as much as those first months after. I do not want to go through this again but know I will .
    I pray that financially you will be able to continue living where you are and that you will have your house filled with children's voices again.
