Friday, February 13, 2009

Please Be Gentle, An After Loss Creed by Jill B. Englar

This is one of the poems I received in the mail:

Please be gentle with me for I am grieving.
The sea I swim in is a lonely one and the shore seems miles away.
Waves of despair numb my soul as I struggle through each day.
My heart is heavy with sorrow. I want to shout and scream and repeatedly ask "Why?"
At times, my grief overwhelms me and I weep bitterly, so great is my loss.
Please don't turn away from me or tell me to move on with my life or I should be over it by now. I must embrace my pain before I can begin to heal.
Companion me through tears and sit with me in loving silence.
Honor where I am in my journey, not where you think I should be.
Listen patiently to my story. I may need to tell it over and over and over again.
It's how I begin to greasp the enormity of my loss.
Nurture me through weeks, months and the years ahead as I begin my life long journey.
Forgive me when I seem distant and inconsolable.
A small flame still burns within my heart and shared memories may trigger both laughter and tears.
I need your support and understanding. There is no right or wrong way to grieve.
I must find my own path.
Please will you walk beside me?

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