Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Journey Through Grief

I've started this blog to chronicle my journey through the grief of my son Trevor's death. Trevor died on Dec. 15 after a short illness. My heart is broken but God has been ministering to my heart as I think of Trevor's death. God has been helping me to see that life after his illness would have been very difficult for Trevor and that he wouldn't have liked it. Trevor's life was a full one though it was much shorter than expected.

1 comment:

  1. Having been where you are it is so comforting to see that you chose Heaven for Trevor. I too went through the same thing. Two years before Amber died Josh passed away in his sleep. I only had Josh just under a year and his former foster family who had had him all his earlier life were very much involved. They took over everything to do with his funeral and burial. I walked around in a fog. It was like it was not my child that died.
    Amber was a different story. She was ripped out of my arms by a medical error. The morning before she died was the last time she was conscious . In the ICU when I had to decide to let her go it was very clear that Heaven was the only decision. Her life would have been so much worse than Alicias and everything Amber liked to do would have been gone. It would have been a living Hell for her. I did not know about Blogs at the time and I think writting down your walk through this is a good way to gain comfort. We will always miss our children but I know that we know it was the right thing to do to let them go to be with God.
    I will continue to pray for you for peace and provisions.
